Visual studio c++ expression must have a constant value

As a result, there was no unsupported error, however, the new errors "expression must have a constant value" show up in the file type_trails. Can someone help? Thanks

It must be some constant value. Thanks for the response, i still haven't completely fixed the application however the error i did have is solved. Ill have to probably re code my solution in a slightly different way however at least i understand what i did wrong before hand.

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Expression must have a constant value - C++ Forum Variable-length array (VLA) is a feature that exists in C but not in C++. GCC (which I assume is the compiler that you were using with Code::Blocks) allows VLA as an extension by default, but if you explicitly request standard conformance by using the compiler flag -pedantic-errors you will get an error. C/C++ IntelliSense "expression must have a constant value ... C/C++ IntelliSense "expression must have a constant value" dynamic arrays with windows-clang-x64 mode arrays - expression must have a constant value error in c++ ... Array size must be a compile time constant. myLines is not a compile time constant. Instead, allocate the memory using new or even better to use std::vector. Array can't be created (expression must have a constant value)

Why do i get error "error: expression must have a constant value ... Why do i get error "error: expression must have a constant value". C / C++ Forums on Bytes. CUDA 9 Unsupported Visual Studio Version Error - NVIDIA ... 20 Jan 2018 ... In Visual Studio 2017 installer there is also a possibility to install additionally VS2015. .... Prompt for VS 2017 error: expression must have a constant value cl /?: Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.12.25831 ... 6.11a — References and const | Learn C++ - Learn C++ 7 Jun 2017 ... Normally r-values have expression scope, meaning the values are destroyed at the end of ... should be generally passed by (const) reference. C - グローバル変数にヘッダー内で代入する場合に生じる ... - Teratail

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STM32调试问题USR\main.c(58): error: #28: expression must have a ...

Compilation error: expression must have a constant value

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